Who said writing letters and bothering congressmen gets you nowhere. Besides, its pretty fun even though you know those in Oklahoma pretty much won't vote for it, but I love the "official" letters I get back from their press team. Wanna join the action, join the HRC and they'll get you started. Make sure this goes through by supporting HRC on this issue. This is from a update I was sent.
Dear Timothy,
I've been waiting for months to write this.
With your help, the U.S. Senate has just passed the Matthew Shepard Act!
I want to thank you, personally, for everything you've done to help make this moment possible. HRC supporters sent 350,000 emails, made 30,000 calls to Congress, and wrote over 5,000 letters to local papers. Your commitment was inspiring. And even Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) acknowledged the work of the Human Rights Campaign during debate on the Senate floor.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your incredible support.
But even as we celebrate this victory – we know we face a tough road ahead. The bill has to survive final negotiations between the House and Senate before it gets to President Bush. Even then, he has threatened to veto it.
As you know, pressure from the radical right will be fierce the whole way. Our support must be fierce as well – so we will continue to ask for your support over the coming weeks.
It's been nine years since Matthew Shepard was senselessly murdered because of who he was. HRC stands firmly committed to this being the year we finally make sure every American is protected from this kind of violence.
We just made history. Thank you for getting us this far. Now, let's see it through to the end.
Joe Solmonese
1 day ago