I think the name says it all. Bring a bottle of vodka and/or wine and leave the bullshit, ignorance, and machismo at the door. This is just a place for me to rant, show my likes and dislikes and hopefully strike up some dialogs.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Two of My Favorite Things...
The first being rocking live music. I had a date with Metro Station in Tulsa today, but decided to attend events that will hopefully effect my future in positive ways. Tough decision, but it had to be done. Here are two of there videos. I am over the "Shake It" song, but I am really enjoying "Control" and "Kelsey". Love them.
The other being my love of discussion of social issues. If you have not heard of Prop 8 in California, there is no hope for you and quit reading now. For the rest who care about your and/or your friend's ability to live as equal citizens, rather than second class citizens should join others and I on the steps of City Hall, Saturday, November 15th at 12:30. It's a national event and this issue does have national repercussions. I thank Keith Olbermann for his words and Dillon for sending this my way. Please watch. I will do it for love.
You are my favorite ho!!!
I am not your ho!!
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